A storm on August 7th, 1959 not only took away people’s life, but also gave birth to Tsu-Hsin Children’s Home. The flood and landslide caused by the horrifying storm destroyed numerous houses and left many orphans behind. With great compassion and empathy, Professor Bing-Nan Li and other members of Taichung Buddhist Lotus Society founded an orphanage to accommodate those orphans, then called “Tsu-Kuang Children’s Home,” which stood for “light of compassion.” In 1960, Tsu-Kuang Children’s Home became an officially registered orphanage and started to accommodate children in need. At the beginning, Tsu-Kuang Children’s Home accommodated mainly orphans and children from poor families whose parents were not able to raise them. Group care was the major placement policy at the time. In addition to taking care of the institutionalized children’s daily life, their academic achievement has been among the top priority of our working goals since then. The caretakers and the supporting staff members have worked as a team and worked with vision, and this working ethics has never changed.
Our effort has received public acclaim. Tsu-Kuang Children’s Home was evaluated as an “Excellent” children’s home by the Ministry of Interior Affair in 1992. Shortly afterward, we became a registered non-profit organization, and this transition allows us to work more flexibly.
However, we were involved in an eight-year-long lawsuit over the real estate property. To pass along Prof. Bing-Nan Li’s legacy and will, Ms. Hsiou-min Kuo, chair of Tsu-Kuang Children’s Home, and the entire team of staff and caretakers decided to keep rearing all the children and staying connected with alumni of Tsu-Kuang Children’s Home, so we founded Tsu-Kuang Social Welfare Charity Foundation in 2003, as a backup plan for the worst case scenario of the lawsuit. The goals of this foundation are to provide scholarship to poor children and adolescents, and to found Tsu-Hsin Children’s Home (literally “the aroma of compassion”). In the mean time, our staff has restlessly looked for proper location for the new children’s home, and we were honored to have Dr. Kuei-chieh Chang as our director to lead the way to rebuild a new children’s home full of love, warmth, and professional care. Tsu-Kuang was ruled to be closed in 2004, but Tsu-Hsin Children’s Home was established shortly afterward.
│ Government-registered symbol:Taichung City Government ,July 9,2008.No: 0960148492 │ │Address:No.303, Dongying Rd., East Dist., Taichung City 40149, Taiwan (R.O.C.) │
│ Tel:04-22133300│ Fax:04-22151177 │
│ Postal transfer ID:22645296│ Account Name:Tsu-Hsin Children’s Home │